Do You Have Fibromyalgia or A Chronic Fatigue Condition?

It would be better to look for a systematic approach to treating these conditions with signs and symptoms. Although each illness is uniquely diagnosed, in both cases, there are several underlying factors involved. Understanding the disease will provide a starting point for treatment and recovery to thrive. Here are a few specifics about each disorder:

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is characterised as a complex cluster of symptoms on which no cause or specific diagnostic examination has been accepted. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Singapore is primarily a diagnostic challenge because the symptoms are so complicated. Many patients suffer from chronic fatigue crippling for which symptomatic treatment drugs are indicated.

There may be discomfort and weakness, brain fog, exhaustion, and anxiety aside from the patient’s various types of fatigue. It is unproductive to expect an overwhelmed and anxious patient to ‘get themselves together’ and further aggravate the current collapse.

Moreover, changes can occur in the neuro-vascular, neuroendocrine systems of the patient, as well as in the immunity of the patient

  • Neuro-vascular: Muscle cramp, restless legs while sleeping, heart palpitations, temperature or weather sensitivity, tingling and numbness in the extremities, postural hypotension or headaches.
  • Neuro-endocrine: low libido, mood swings, weight gain and fluid retention, hair loss, dry eyes and mouth, menstrual irregularity.
  • Immunity: frequent infection, slow recovery and lymph node swelling, rashes, chronic cough and dyspnea, low body temperature with low-grade fever, Candida, cystitis, auto-immune conditions.


Fibromyalgia is a severe and persistent pain disorder that shows a variety of other accompanying signs and symptoms. Fibromyalgia was described as a syndrome of chronic muscle pain in 1993 by the World Health Organization. But there are no noticeable signs for diagnosing Fibromyalgia for tender points on the body. Eighteen such points were described as usual and mapped out.

The patient’s symptoms may come in a variety of forms. To quote the WHO, “Fibromyalgia is part of a wider syndrome encompassing headaches, irritable bladder, dysmenorrhea (period pain), cold sensitivity, Raynaud’s phenomenon, restless legs, atypical numbness, and tingling patterns exercise intolerance, general weakness, and depression.”

Pain and fatigue are typical symptoms of thyroid or adrenal defects, although Paul St Amand has postulated that inorganic phosphate accumulation is a biochemical cause. Research on Fibromyalgia is often linked with reduced interaction between pain and sensorimotor pain regions, causing an escalation of painful sensations by changing how pain impulses are processed by the brain (Par Flodin, 2014).

Fibromyalgia can cause dizziness in some cases as well; however, it is not difficult to get treatment for dizziness.

What do you Experience?

Both conditions present physiological and emotional dysregulation as

multifaceted experiences, including elements of both pain and fatigue.

Since they are both syndromes with a similar appearance, a similar approach can support both conditions. Be sure to clarify your particular symptoms with your Singapore-based doctor or chiropractor to prevent any misunderstandings that could lead to false diagnoses.