Mental Health EMR is a collective term to indicate the integration of a patient’s mental health records with their medical records. It is intended to foster trust between the two and facilitate access when needed between physicians and patients. For example, a mental health nurse would be able to enter a patient’s mental health data and then enter medical data into the computer systems of the doctor or other health care provider to make a referral for more specific care. Mental Health Emr is to enhance patient care and reduce costs associated with duplication of services or unnecessary tests.
What Are the Benefits of Mental Health Emr? The benefits of EMR are wide-ranging. The most obvious benefit is cost reduction. With EMR, therapists need not send paper records over the phone, faxes, or paper format. Instead, mental health therapists can access patient records remotely via their electronic medical records (EMRs). In turn, therapists’ interactions with their clients can be more thorough and easier to manage when records are electronically shared.
How Does it Streamline Workflow? Another benefit of EMR technology is that it streamlines Workflow. EMR software allows mental health professionals to enter and update patient information in a fraction of the time it would take them otherwise. When EMR was first introduced, mental health specialists had to send paper records over the phone or fax machine, then copy and print out pages that needed to be added to the patient’s file. If those records were misplaced, mental health professionals would have to contact patients and their families to find that information. This was an unnecessarily time-consuming process.
Over time, however, improvements to EHR software have made it easy for mental health professionals to create and update patient records using their computer systems. Now, instead of faxing or emailing documents to their clients, mental health therapists can access their EHR software and enter patient data remotely. The software will then securely store the data in off-site servers maintained by the EHR software company. Any changes to that data can be instantly updated using a client’s secure login data.
How Does it Meet Meaningful Use Requirements? The benefits of EHR software for mental health professionals go beyond cost and convenience. Because it streamlines data entry errors, it also reduces paper waste. By eliminating paper, electronic medical records meet EPA regulations for hazardous exposure.
Why should I consider mental health EHR software? To be sure, the software does make the job of mental healthcare professionals easier. However, if your practice already spends a significant amount of time faxing and emailing patient files, perhaps it is time to consider another solution. As my previous article discusses, when EHR technology is properly integrated with other important practices, it can provide a truly comprehensive solution.
There are many ways an EHR solution can streamline the Workflow. Reducing the time, it takes doctors and mental health specialists to enter patient information into their computer systems can improve patient care and lower staff turnover. Another way to streamline the process is to eliminate unnecessary fields from the EHR interface. A great example is allowing each health information specialist to enter data directly into the system, rather than going through information entry fields for every patient. As an added benefit, a well-designed EHR software program can also make it easier for physicians and mental health specialists to update patient information and perform other functions related to patient care.
In short, electronic medical records can be extremely beneficial in improving patient health and keeping track of those records. However, even the most robust electronic health record software programs will not be able to keep track of everything that needs to be tracked if Workflow is not properly integrated. This is why having a quality EHR solution that is well integrated with other key practices is important. Streamlining the process will improve patient health, but it will save physical and mental health professionals money by reducing mistakes and possibly even improving the longevity of those same patients.