Anadrol (Oxymetholone) is a type of anabolic steroid that acts as a drug that increases red blood cells (RBC) to combat anemia. The drug is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that has been known to be 3 times more powerful than a testosterone. Aside from its medical use, this drug has also been tagged as a potent performance enhancement drug.
In the USA, the law is pretty much clear when it comes to these types of drugs. Anadrol is tagged as a controlled substance. That is why if you plan to take this drug to increase your muscle mass and athletic performance, you need to be more resourceful in sourcing Anadrol and drugs like it.
The creative sources in getting Anadrol: Unless you yourself have an anemia or muscle wasting diseases that doctors will be more than willing to prescribe you with this drug. If you don’t, then getting it legally is not an option that you can take. Some order this online from overseas manufacturers where distribution are not covered by US laws. There is also the ever popular black market, where you may need a good source (seller) that you can trust if you plan to buy from this type of market (and take it at your own risk).
The legal versions of Anadrol that are sold in the USA: If you plan to buy legal versions of Anadrol in the USA you should be looking at the alternative options. These alternative supplements mimic the effects of Anadrol. There will always be a question of the potency and how fast can the results be felt. But this is not the true strength of these alternative supplements. The strength of these drugs is that they are legal to buy without the need for a prescription and it’s safer than Anadrol.
- Anadrole
- Clenbutrol
- Testo-max
- Anvarol
- Deca Duro
- Winsol
- D-Bal
- TestoFuel
- Trenorol
- D-Bal MAX
- HIGH X-2
The concerns about safety: The primary concern in taking Anadrol is safety and not to mention, not readily available to people that only wants it for gaining weight and increase their performance level. It may be available in the market, but only for the people that need to take it, like people that has anemia and muscle wasting diseases. People that take Anadrol are at risk of the side effects that comes with the drug.
- Depression
- Increased intracranial pressure
- Lethargy
- Edema
- Increased weight gain
- Skin discoloration
- priapism,
- Renal problems
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Stomach cramps
- Loss of appetite
- restlessness
- Jaundice
- Breast swelling (men)
- Acne
- Insomnia
- Alopecia
- Altered menstrual pattern
- Deepened voice
- Diarrhea
Alternative supplements answer the call for a safer option from Anadrol. There will always be a question about the potency of the drug, but potency is not its strength nor it’s selling point. It’s about taking a drug that can still do its job (not that potent though), but safe. If you need that safer option and you’re not in a hurry to get the body and performance level that you so desire, then you may want to try any of the alternative supplements mentioned above. Whether you’re an existing bodybuilder that wants to try a safer option or a person that wants the same “Anadrol like” effects without the risks, then these alternatives are your best bet.