There is a specialty in dentistry called cosmetic dentistry in which, in addition to helping maintain dental function and improve oral health, specialists perform services and processes to beautify your teeth. Essential methods that cosmetic dentists perform include dental bonding, teeth whitening and bleaching, dental veneers, gingival restoring, and dental implants. This specialty’s purpose is to design a smile or modify it. Experts in this field try to eliminate all the teeth’ defects and imperfections while smiling to increase self-confidence. For getting more information, you can ask your questions from the top North York cosmetic dentists.
Exactly like general practitioners who go to different fields and specialties after years of studying and passing scientific courses, general dentists enter the specialized dentistry fields after a few years of hard-working and passing specialized courses. Cosmetic dentistry is one of the best and, at the same time, the most practiced specialties in the field of dentistry. Here are the most important services provided by dentists specializing in cosmetic dentistry.
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Essential Services Provided By Cosmetic Dentists
Tooth Bonding
You must see a cosmetic dentist if you have a broken or chipped tooth. Teeth that are broken at the back of the mouth do not pose a problem for your smile. But if your front teeth break, your smile will be incomplete and ugly. Cosmetic dentistry helps you repair cracked, broken, or chipped teeth with dental composite veneer materials that are the same color as the enamel. This is called tooth bonding, which can restore beauty to your teeth and smile.
Teeth Whitening Or Bleaching
Many people brush and floss properly. But it is always possible to see tooth discoloration, even with proper dental care. Most of the time, teeth become yellow with drinking tea, coffee, or harmful alcoholic beverages, and this yellow color cannot be removed with a toothbrush.
Smoking can also cause tooth discoloration. No matter how much your teeth are brushed and flossed, your teeth will still turn yellow if you are heavy smokers.
In cosmetic dentistry, we deal with teeth whitening or professional brushing to whiten your teeth. If you also have yellow teeth and want to have a white smile, you should go to a cosmetic dental clinic to achieve what you wish by bleaching or teeth whitening.
Dental Veneers
Not everyone can whiten their teeth. In other words, not everyone is the right candidate for teeth whitening. Some people have sensitive teeth and quickly react to bleaching and teeth whitening. These substances can cause decay, erosion, and severe damage to the enamel and the tooth.
In cosmetic dentistry, we use dental veneers to whiten teeth instead of bleaching for these people. Dental veneers can be an excellent method to whiten your teeth permanently.
Dental Veneers can be made of tooth-colored materials. These veneers can also hide discoloration, cracking, decay, and tooth cavities. Besides, dental veneers correct the crooked teeth appearance to give a new form and beauty to their smile.