Do You Know There Are Growth Hormones In The Food You Eat?

People living in Western countries specifically the U.S. have milk and meat for their diet more than other food items. Suppliers of these products add hormones to boost both the quality and production. Everyone is well aware of the fact that the Home Growth Promotants (HGPs) are used to achieve livestock in large quantities. For this reason in the U.S., FDA has allowed to give harmonic injections to the cattle. Such hormones are meant to increase the quantity and productions, eventually making the dairy suppliers earn huge profits, but it is vital for you to look into your health first.

Hormones basically come as a natural supplement which creates a chemical reaction in the body, mainly affecting the functionality of different body organs. These hormones are basically required for our development; women particularly require them for giving birth. Milk that is being produced has hormones which are quite good for health. However, the actual concern is about the hormones that are synthetic in nature, and are injected into the cattle’s body.

In the 1930s, the very first hormonal injection was used for cattle, called as bovine somatotropin (BST), which was considered to boost the production of milk. This hormone basically is produced by the pituitary glands in cows and works with several other hormones in the body to produce milk. Later in the 80s, a record production of milk was achieved by using the rBGH (Recombinant Bovine growth hormone).

In the 1950s, another hormone called as diethylstilbestrol (DES) was injected into the cattle to make them grow bigger faster and give the meat more rapidly. This process ensured meat supply at a much faster rate. FDA recommended the following types of hormones to ensure more supply: Hormone Growth Promotants (HJPs) along with 6 types of Natural hormones – Oestradiol, Testosterone, and Progesterone Synthetic hormones – Zeranol, Melengestrol, and Trenbolone.

Hormones are being injected into cattle, and a smaller residue of these synthetic hormones pass on to the dairy products and meat. There has not been any research made that determines the effect of consuming such products. However, there are still some risks that have been identified and are listed below by companies such as buy aa – A high-tech pharmaceutical biochemical service that helps integrate production, R&D and sales.

  • Lowering teenage years in both boys and girls
  • Increase in breast cancer in women
  • Men are subjected to prostate cancer

There are even some environmental issues that concern people who are into research and development. These Hormones not only pass on to food products but also on meat. When it passes to the rovers, it greatly affects the life of fish and various other aquatic animals. Hence, the use of hormones in food substances and even import of beef from the U.S. has been strictly restricted in the European Union to protect people’s health to the fullest.