The Regulations To Follow To Open A Gym

No diploma is required to legally open or take over a gym. On the other hand, the supervisory staff and the coaches who intervene must hold a state diploma to practice. Anyone wishing to exercise the activity of sports educator must make a declaration before any service is provided in order to obtain a professional card.

In the 3 months following the opening of the sports hall, a declaration must be made to the prefecture of the department with a view to establishing a census of the equipment and the approval of the hall.

The operator is also required to ensure the quality of the equipment provided, and to ensure proper upkeep and maintenance.

Finally, at the building level, it is necessary to respect all the safety and hygiene standards imposed on establishments open to the public.

Open A Gym Using The Franchise

The opening of a sports hall is often carried out by joining a sports hall and fitness brand. You will thus benefit from the notoriety of the franchise you join, its know-how and its communication power.

In principle, using gym franchise will allow you to find your customers more quickly, thanks to the reputation of the brand and the network’s communication campaigns. In addition, you will have installation support and training.

The Business Plan Of A Gym Opening

As with any business creation or takeover project, launching or buying a gym requires the establishment of a solid business plan.

At the same time, we advise you to refer to these technical data sheets on the business plan:

  • The business takeover plan
  • Establish your forecast

The Important Initial Investment

The opening of a fitness franchise requires a lot of investment, especially in the layout and layout of the room, then in sports equipment.

When purchasing sports equipment, you must be vigilant about the warranty conditions, maintenance conditions and assistance conditions offered by the supplier.

The Financing Plan Of A Sports Hall

Funding of several hundred thousand dollars is necessary to open a sports hall in good conditions. Taking over or creating a gym is therefore not possible without a minimum personal contribution.

The financing plan of your forecast will highlight the amount of financial resources needed to meet the needs of the project. Your personal contribution must represent at least 20% of the overall budget so that you have a good chance of obtaining the requested funding.

The Takeover Of A Gym

The recovery of a gym is an alternative to the creation that can be interesting. You thus have an immediately operational work tool with an already established clientele. In return, the financial investment will be more substantial.

If you are planning to take over a gym and have found a business, several points must be analyzed:

  • The condition of the building and the conditions of the lease of the premises (rent, remaining term, renewal, etc.);
  • The geographical location of the sports hall, the conditions of access, the development and construction projects planned in the surroundings;
  • The condition of sports equipment, their maintenance, warranty conditions, equipment renewals to be expected…;
  • The composition of the clientele: percentage of occasional visitors, percentage of subscribers, average duration of subscriptions, average age, etc.;
  • If the gym is a best franchise: the franchise contract, the financial conditions, the franchisee’s obligations, the expiry date of the contract and the renewal conditions, the reputation of the brand;

To secure your takeover project, carrying out an acquisition audit for a professional is recommended before entering into negotiations with the transferor.