The Key Vitamins for Fighting Stress and Fatigue

Have you been Fighting Excess Stress and Fatigue?

Many people have a decline in their mental health over time due to work stress, home stress, and the stress of everyday life. While they may find relief with medications or counseling, sometimes the solution is as easy as taking some vitamins.

Despite calorie-rich diets, many Americans don’t reach their micronutrient requirements. This results in several mental and physical health problems.

Have you Considered taking Vitamins for Stress and Fatigue?

It’s best to get your vitamins from natural sources, but there’s nothing wrong with supplementation. We’re here to help you figure out which vitamins are best for you. Keep reading to learn more.


Melatonin is a naturally-occurring hormone in the body. It helps to regulate sleep cycles and encourages better sleep. The human body is hardwired to sleep when it’s dark and wake up when it’s light, but many people have a difficult time with this.

Whether it’s due to irregular shift work, seasonal changes in light, or anxiety, normal sleep cycles may not work as intended.

Supplemental melatonin is great for fixing things in that area. When you take it an hour or two before you want to go to sleep, it induces relaxation. Having better sleep might be the answer to your fatigue and burnout problems.

B Vitamins

B vitamins are crucial when it comes to stress and fatigue, and many people don’t get enough of them. There are plenty of reasons why someone will have a diet-based vitamin B deficiency. Some dietary restrictions don’t offer enough vitamin B-12, for example, and they require supplementation or fortified foods.

High doses of B vitamins lower doses of serum homocysteine (an amino acid), which may be associated with stress.

Taking B vitamin complex supplements is a great way to make sure that you’re getting enough B vitamins to maintain healthy stress levels.

Vitamin D

Many people report feeling more anxious, fatigued, and depressed when they aren’t getting enough vitamin D.

We get vitamin D from sunlight. When we don’t get enough sunlight (like during the dark winter months), we experience negative mental and physical health effects.

Depression and anxiety lead to fatigue. Adequate vitamin D levels could support better mental health.


Did you know that magnesium relaxes the nervous system?

When it’s combined with healthy amounts of calcium, it promotes feelings of calm and wellbeing. It also relaxes muscle tension.

It’s been used as a natural remedy for anxiety, stress, and restlessness by many cultures worldwide, long before we had modern mental health medications. If you’re not getting enough magnesium, try taking a supplement and see how you feel.

Try These Vitamins for Stress and Fatigue

Taking vitamins for stress and fatigue might seem like it won’t work, but our bodies rely on these important nutrients to function at their best. While stress and fatigue have external causes, supplementation is a good way to soothe some of the problems.

Try supplementing your diet, and you’ll be surprised at the results.

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